Holly Jolly Expansion by WowOutcast
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Dragonmaw ( Reckoning )
4.81 /5 60 ? ? 110 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
A quick little project before Cataclysm release. This is a parody of one of my favorite Christmas songs, "Holly Jolly Christmas", by Burl Ives. Banjo and Patches Sing about the new World of Warcraft Expansion.

Keep in mind, I was having a ton of problems with my PC when making this. So the video quality isnt my best. I kind of rushed it so it could be out before Cata. The ong is more important anyway

Have a holly, jolly expansion
watch your real life disappear
Sharpen your blades, for brand new raids
and we'll all get epic gear

Have a holly, jolly expansion
And as you grind to 85
ready to pwn, a high lvl zone
were all just trying to survive

Woh, Ho
volcanoes blow
The barrens gets torn a new one
But lets not for get the most important thing,
Lets all just try to have fun (Ew FUN!?!)

Have a holly jolly expansion
And as the whole world trembles in fear
Oh by golly
Have a holly
Jolly expansion this year
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Zygor Guides

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