LOLBURST 2.5 (Pre 4.0.1) by Corporatus
Class: Mage | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Executus ( Reckoning )
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Movie Summary
Corporatus's Arena Team 1
Corporatus Darkfox
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Aaalright.. Let's get to the movie summary then, shall we?

This has been my favourite project this far but at the same time it has caused me so many troubles that I can't even imagine. I've been working odd shifts, Vegas has been crashing, I've lost motivation, I've been busy as hell and my graphic card's been broken two times since I started this so the footage this movie has is from the last week of the season 8. Which means the opponents aren't really gladiator-worthy. But that wasn't never the main point of LOLBURST. I just hope that all the hard work I've used to this project pays out.

I have a full storyline planned out for Cataclysm and I had so many ideas for LOLBURST 3! but I felt like I couldn't give you guys what I really wanted to do so I ended up gathering the material I had and making this a prologue for the actual storyline that'll go on in Cataclysm. (LOLBURST 3!)

I wanted to get this out before all the footage becomes irrelevant while maintaining the same quality as before. What I had in mind was a short, maybe 14-16 minutes of actual movie.. Little did I know that this would grow up to be 28 minutes and a few seconds over that. I've tried new things and I'm getting more into machinima.

This movie is like 95% done. I'll make a short list of what I wanted to do but didn't have the time/mindset to finish:

� The pineapples. It began as an inside joke and I thought it would be a fun little "minigame." It wasn't really that high on my priority list so it was just left there unfinished.

� Voiceacting. I know. I promised. I just didn't have good enough equipment that I could've provided you with good audio and as I said, I was working against a tight schedule.

� A few fixes on the chroma keyeing/color correction on the machinima scenes. The drake has a pinkish glow on one scene and I'm way too bright/dark in the scene at the Temple of Storms.

� The wobbly and blurrish subtitles. I actually inserted the subtitles as the very last thing before rendering. I had a few project-wide effects that I was using and didn't find a quick fix for those so you'll just have to deal with it. Sorry :(

� A proper outro and a few more cutscenes. (Darkfox transforming during a fight f.e)

Anyways, I've been ranting long enough and you've been really patient and this is all you really wanted to read:

The Music:

Love and War - Immediate Music
Below Deck - Immediate Music
Human Tavern - David Arkenstone
Walkin' on the Sunshine - Smash Mouth
Play It Loud (Broken Robot Mix) - Far Too Loud
Alone - Unknown Error
Dalaran 3 - Russell Brower
The Island (MAXNRG remix) - Pendulum
Austin Powers Intro
The Hidden - Immediate Music
Ghost Town - Shiny Toy Guns
Back to the Future Overture - Alan Silvestri
Orch 100 Rise 4 - Immediate Music
Electric Romeo - Immediate Music
Arcana - Immediate Music
Tomorrow Untrodden - The Flashbulb
The Brige of Khazad Dum - LotR OST
Structure -Innerpartysystem

With love,


PS. The addon you're all asking is Aloft.

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