Warlock solo Magtheridon patch 4.0.3 by Freezeyoass
Class: Warlock | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Grim Batol ( Misery )
4.83 /5 35 ? ? 345 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Demonology Warlock solo Magtheridon. 0/31/5.
Spec used: http://wowtal.com/#k=-AYBzv1K.a8t.warlock.qt0c4A
Song: Infected Mushroom - Vicious Delicious

No outside buffs. Flask of the North, one Potion of Speed.

The toughest part of the encounter was finding enough DPS to take down all or most of the adds at the start before Metamorphosis faded. I tried a few attempts using seed of corruption and hellfire to aoe them but all were unsuccessful. I dotted each of them up individually with immolate and corruption, and used single target abilities from then on, tabbing between them. When Magtheridon is free, it's pretty much a kill. He hits like a little girl and none of his abilities were ever a real threat.

Prothean, Human Warlock Grim Batol EU.

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