As always, watch in HD please!
Disclaimer: I made this video spontaneously -- in other words, I literally logged into Beta (for the first time in months), set up a warrior, and gave it a go. Nonetheless, I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not used to my new abilities -- or new keybinds for that matter (fail to use Colossus Smash on CD, also don't use Piercing Howl as often as I should -- I've gotten used to playing without it on live). I'm pretty sure I make a few novice mistakes (for example, I didn't even bind my Berserker Stance abilities correctly, ie: Whirlwind in place of Hamstring -- I'm sure you'll notice that in the video. It is also important to note that my latency on the Beta was somewhat high (over 200). Lastly, because this was my first video, I didn't realize that fraps is somewhat too demanding for my computer. Regardless, I'm still going to record in the future.
This video contains 3 clips:
Warrior/RDruid vs. Rogue/RDruid (highlight/end of match)
Warrior vs. Rogue (duel)
Warrior/RDruid vs. Warrior/RShaman (2v2, full clip)
More footage (ie: "Long Version") should enough people be interested in it.
Any who, enjoy!