DK: Alone in ICC Sindragosa by raegwyn
Class: Death Knight | Category: Dungeons / PvE | Server : EU - Zuluhed ( Blutdurst )
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Raegwyn (Zuluhed) soloing Sindragosa 10 man normal till enrage

This was done in 3.3.3 before my marrowgar video

i havent planned to upload it because of many resons (it was a bit too easy, i can outheal her on heroic too but die on air phase, even without enrage i still would not be able to solo her and so on)

but many fans told me they want to see it so here it is

This is my last lvl 80 soloing video
i will miss my hybridspeccs 38/4/29 and 23/0/48 (first they deleted tankrogues and now this QQ)


PS: THIS IS NOT THE END the Cataclysm will be "onemanraided" as well
PPS: i soloed Bloodqueen till enrage too but my files are broken so there wont be a video of it

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