Tehseus - 2700 Ret/Mage + 2600 Ret/Mage/Shaman by Tehseus
Class: Paladin | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Aegwynn ( Blutdurst )
4.95 /5 551 ? ? 871 MB Correct Share
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Hi Everybody!

My latest arena movie is here!

It includes 2700 Mage/Ret 2v2 Matches aswel as 2600 Ret/Mage/Shaman 3v3 Matches against various combos!
Since the feedback was great just like my 2 previous arena movies it includes german voice chat with english subtitles!

I really hope you as much fun watching as I had editing and playing :)

Best Greetings


Edit: Give me a skill point if you feel I deserve one! :D

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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