Movie Summary
Since my last video was taken way out of context, I decided to make another short video of some more competitive fights. For the record I don't think recuperate or rogues in general are 100% balanced, but I'm not sure they ever will be. If you haven't been invited to the beta and my video is the only thing you have to form an opinion on, then I don't blame you for considering it OP, but that was never the intention of that vid. Take what you want from this but take it with a grain of salt. Everything you see is very buggy and subject to change.
Song list -
The Takeover UK- ah la la
The XX- Crystalised
The Limousines - The internet killed the video star.
Try not to take this video as literal as you took the last one.
Sorry about the occasional framerate lag. I kinda played like shit as a result. I would never release a pvp video of this quality on anything other than a beta. This isn't meant to be considered a serious pvp video. This comp doesn't handle fraps too well. I should be getting a new vid card soon though so this should be the last vid under these conditions. This should also be my last vid for a while, I don't want to oversaturate wcm with these vids.
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