Azeroth Dedication (Part 1) by Falcore
Class: Hunter | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Moonglade ( Reckoning )
4.64 /5 18 ? ? 372 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Been REALLY busy this past month or so, so been having to do this movie bit by bit whenever i got the time, which can be a pain in the butt because you lose motivation when you want to come back to it!

Anyway! All done now for your enjoyment! A few notes: It was an impossible task to do every single little zone in, which was my initial idea, but as the concept dragged on and on, i decided to just make it a simple dedication to Azeroth, with a majority of zones that will be changing when Cata goes live. One of the problems with not being in the beta, is not knowing EXACTLY whats changed, so i just had to guess for the most part!

I think i've pulled it off though, i hope that the video instills a little emotion into the avid WoW player, and just perhaps a few tears, if not a little lump in the throat. Unfortunatley due to the mechanics in the game, it proved very hard to get tottally smooth camera movments, i downloaded a few addons that helped, but still, there is no way round having the camera jerk when you run over a bump, but i've tried to compensate with video editing trickery. I wish Blizzard would give the fanbase some more ingame editing tools for such things, but oh well!

Enjoy! And if you want to have the full experience, go fullscreen, and turn up the volume! Its a long one, so grab a drink.

P.S. Due to a PC upgrade, part 1 is better quality than part 2, part 1 being HD 720, and part 2 being HD 1080! Enjoy!
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