Diablous 6 - 2800+ 5v5 clips by Diablous
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormscale ( Cyclone )
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Movie Summary
Diablous's Arena Team 1
Similar Setups
Like the movie title says, its about 5v5, we are world #1 with this setup atm. 20-07-2010, 2819 rating

All games were played on same day vs random noobs and low rated teams 2300+, (considering the gladiator cap is over top 30)

Mostly games with mirror setup, which was hardest setup to play against(probably because we all were playing so long during that day).

I was asked to post the clips online, so the russian community could examine them. I wasn't putting much of effort on making the movie.

(I rerolled orc, no model changing+ Im using addons in this movie)

If you watch really closely, its not tunnelvisioning nor facerolling.

Spinning pentagrap upper right is Power Aura addon. Whenever the pentagram is spinning, Im equiped with black magic in offhand.

Whenever its not, im using weaponchain.

(soundclips are from Through The Eyes of the Dead)
* 2 Times Terror - Kuoleman Kehdossa
* 2 Times Terror - D.E.A.D
* The Agony Scene - Pray

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