Akaforty - The Real Rocknrolla (reupload) by VisitorCz
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Drak'thul ( Reckoning )
3.42 /5 58 ? ? 219 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
yeah it's the same movie that was uploaded and taken down, I have decided to upload it again, because I'm quitting and will release everything that I've made.

Years passed and I have changed, not just in my playstyle, but also as a person, I don't really care anymore what you have to say if it's an act of trolling, I had fun doing this and playing while it lasted really.

But there's nothing for me now and I just find real life more interesting than this.

Thanks to everyone for your support through the years, that would be a long list of my Guildmates, EE Forums, Reckoning PVP scene, Official wow eu forum trolls that were helping me to troll (I'm banned now on forums), Einestar, and everyone else I had the chance to play with. And Mattik, I love him. (Guylove)

Please, support this movie http://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=101587 (DL/rate/whatever), because I feel like that's the best video I have ever released and we had so much fun doing it.

---Please, read this next statement---

I'd make another movie, I have even tried, but here are some facts that I have found out.
Every single BG is just amazingly stupid to play, I had absolutely no chance in recording some quality material, it was always Xv1 or 1vX and in today's world of imba epax, everyone has great PvP gear. Even if the enemies were amazingly stupid and lame, I couldn't do 3v1 or sometimes even 2v1 so BGs were no-no.
World PvP? Drak'thul, c'mon, there's none.
Arenas, yeah I wanted to make an arena movie, but my computer runs on barely 20 FPS while frapsing and I just couldn't play like that on a level I play normally, I had some footage and even wanted to release one soon, but it never actually made through.

Thank you for your patience,

Also, I'd like to quit and never come back, that means I want to get rid of my account, if you're interested, send me a PM and we can work something out.

haterz gonna hate, but this time i just lol while reading your trollz.

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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