AfflictionDoTcom 2 Part 2 by Ripness
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Frostwolf ( Blutdurst )
4.87 /5 23 ? ? 186 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
First at all I want say sry that my pet is on auto but its used Manuel as soullink 2 makros silence and devour for each which is controled manuel timed by me! U can see it on my macro that it shares cooldown. So sry that I forgot to right click them I didnt see it. we play only 10 games every 2 weeks, so this were the opponents maybe next time there are druide healer restro schamans and warris in our way anyway, hope u enjoy this.

End Credit is Music files from part 1 and this

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