LL Duelingcraft. By Jammno by Jammku
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : US - Crushridge ( Cyclone )
1.59 /5 46 ? ? 268 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
LLD'ing has been around on any well-balanced RPG. What does LLD stand for? Low-level Dueling.

This video features my fully twinked level 30 rogue beating level 40's, as well as fully twinked characters many levels higher than my own.

This video opens up a new door on the ways to play WoW when you're bored with your level 60. So, give it a watch. You'll be amazed at how much power a mere low level character has. :D

Yes, I am Jammno. The same Jammno that asked for dating advice for gold. It's old, now get over it and don't clog my comments with your fanboy/fangirl pleads. Thank you..

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