Hi there everyone. This is my first PVP video. I�ve basically taken clips from two nights (21/2/2010-22/2/2010) and put them in this video. The clips are not handpicked; these are almost all of the games I recorded on said nights. One of the games (against Arterianz / Giantz / Alliancescum) was recorded on 1/3/2010. This clip was put in place of a previously recorded clip (against Arterianz / Giantz / Vileroze) as there were some problems when trying to render the video with that clip.
All footage is 2750+ MMR. We are currently rated 2703, with an MMR of 2741.
What to expect:
-RMP with Dirtydawg and Sheldizzle
-RM with Sheldizzle
-Non-handpicked footage (i.e. I don�t Vanish a Blind every single game and then Kck a Fel. Dom)
-Female Orc
Please note this is a relatively short video. If there is interest in this video and people seem to enjoy it, I plan to release similar videos every 3-4 weeks for the rest of this season. So please make sure to let me know what you think of the video!
I would also like to add, that I too (along with Jigslol, Chaimer, and many other people who have released their PVP videos recently) am a skill-capped.com contributor. If you are looking for good PVP Tutorials, featuring every composition imaginable with the best players from each class, then head over there. The site should be launching within the next week!