The Prince's Bottle by Hamfist Productions
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Argent Dawn ( Bloodlust )
4.72 /5 50 ? ? 275 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
This was my submission for the Alienware 2010 Rise To Power contest.

The story of Arthas Menethil! From another point of view. Enjoy!


I would like to thank Jesse Cox for the wonderful voice acting and for helping me with the script.

I would like to apologize to The Flaming Ruby of Argent Dawn for borrowing their Icecrown Citadel (25) raid instance to take a few screenshots for the movie and -accidently- pulling a boss and thereby using one of their attempts on said boss.


This movie consists of still pictures. They say a picture tells more than a thousand words, right? So I've handpicked several of important events and occasions of the life of Arthas Menethil. This is told within three minutes. It goes from his early childhood with his meeting with young Prince Varian Wrynn, his love-life with Jaina Proudmoore and so on 'till the corruption of Ner'Zhul.

Luckily for me, Blizzard chose to release the soundtrack "Invincible" before the contest was over. That is the soundtrack I use, and it is just perfect for the story of Arthas. Because of that, I didn't even have to use a picture of his steed Invincible, as the background track is dedicated to this very horse.


Private messages are welcome if you are wondering something, or else contact me on my e-mail: [email protected]


Other machinima:

The Most Awesome Gnome

How Tales of the Past II should have ended

Forestkeeper McBride - Episode 0

Forestkeeper McBride - Episode 1

Love Fool

The Good Life

Rolling Star

Hamfist Stonecan - Episode II

Trailer - Hamfist Stonecan - Episode II

Hamfist Stonecan - Episode I

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