Sarrik II
THIS IS A LONG VIDEO.... 33 min 40 sec. As a result the file size is fairly large to maintain a high quality.
This video contains world pvp and duels ONLY. Most of this was filmed on Cho'gal. I went alliance for the sole purpose of getting world pvp clips.
All the duels were recorded during patch 3.3. The world pvp was recorded during arena season 7 (patch 3.2 and 3.3), which went on from November 2009 - Mid February 2010. This means that the duels took place after resilience was buffed and wotf was nerfed. My gear throughout most of this video is the exact same as it was during my first video. I was running only ~3750 AP for a long time, and then I made it up to ~ 3941 AP after I transferred to Blackrock.
I made an attempt at creating a storyline for the video in order to make it more entertaining. World pvp videos have always been the most enjoyable for me, so I decided to include as many decent clips as I could manage to get on Blackrock. I did not include a single battleground clip for that reason.
Sarrik II was in the works for 4 months, with a break in there from when WoW for about a month. On that note ... I did arena for about a week during season 7 with a Shadowpriest, but then he transferred after we reached ~2160 rating. I have not done any serious arena sense then. I know how much arena matters to people here on wcm, so I thought that was worth mentioning.
This video is rendered with .264 as an mp4. I suggest using VLC player to play it, as well as downloading and installing the
k lite codec pack if you are having difficulty.
Duels vs
Grrzorz Mage 60/0/11
� Arena Master
� 2443 2v2 rated; 2663 3v3 rated
� 2,411 duels won 549 duels lost
� Played Arcane spec to 2663 rating in 3v3
Callumlol Rogue 41/5/25
� Arena master
� 2663 3v3 rated, 2392 2v2 rated
� Seen in Anarchies 1
Shiol Lock 54/17/0
� 4x Gladiator season 2,4,5 & 6
� 2926 2v2 rated; 2778 3v3 rated
� At time of recording 2406 3v3 rated team; 2315 duels won, 949 duels lost
� 1-20 duel score vs him
� Seen in Akrios' Arena Volume V, Unmercey 7, Ballplaya 2
Anarchies Lock
� 2300 2v2 rated w/ ~2400 MMR; 2201 3v3 rated
� 1530 duels won, 642 duels lost
A final note...
Anarchies deserved to have a lot of duels included. I recorded a bunch more that were video worthy, but the end result was far too one sided. Meaning, either he won with me at 90% health or vice versa.
- update 04/08/11 ... megaupload HQ download and megavideo low quality stream reuploaded. Remember, the WCM stream is much better than the megavideo stream.