Ohr 2 by Ohr
Class: Hunter | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Stormreaver ( Cyclone )
4.81 /5 96 ? ? 585 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Disclaimer: This is not a skill movie. It's purely for your entertainment. In other words if you got bored then I FAILED. I do not claim to be the best hunter, not even a good hunter. At the time of recording I didn't use Focus macros (FLAME'N'RAAAAAGEE IN COMMENTS). Now I do, please don't criticize that. Some duels/fights could be played better/differently, but this is simply my playstyle - observe, study, understand and counter.

I Can't even describe how disappointed I am with this movie. I was extreemely lazy and busy later (exams n shit) so the movie was delayed. This is the most put-off piece of work I've done in my life. Had to render this bastard four times, since I kept having some sort of mistake in it that I would notice only after rendering. The worst part about it that it is twice longer than I wanted it to be. I FORCED myself to make it longer since you guys asked for longer ones. I swear, I'll never do this mistake again. Forcing to make a movie drains all the fun out of it and the quality of the movie suffers greatly. Sorry 'bout that, I'll stick to what I like from now on.
So let me break it down for ya.

Movie contains:
- Bad Gear
- Old Footage
- Eargrinding music (well most of it at least)
- Some duels vs random people
- Random BG Footage
- Feral Druid / MM Hunter Facerolling 2v2 at ~2k rating
- Tricks
- Weird tactics that work but are hard to do and unadvisable
- More prediction than the last one had (deathcoil deflects brah)
- Commentary
- A flying troll O.o
- Other nonsense

What not to expect:
* Skill
* Learning material
* High end arena
* Pro opponents

The good thing is, I've finally finished gearing up and found a good resto druid so I'll be making a 2v2 video as survival / resto a few weeks after season 8 starts, depending how high we can get in a short amount of time (current mmr is ~2,5k but it will deffinately drop due to many good people playing at the start of the season).

Here's my armory if anyone's interested:

The gear used in THIS movie had around 10% less crit and 1k less attack power.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the movie since it's made purely for entertainment.

Soundtrack used:

Apocalyptica Feat. Adam Gontier - I Don't Care
Beyond Good & Evil OST - Track 2 -Dancing with Domz
Last Aid - Act Zero
Mnemic - Door 2.12
Beyond Good & Evil OST - Track 31 - Redemption.mp3

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4.81 /5

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