Erunnos Christmas Story by Erunno
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Kazzak ( Misery )
4.93 /5 48 ? ? 349 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Winner of the WoW Model Viewer 2009 Christmas contest.

Each year, Erunno forgot to buy Winter Veil presents for his friends.But will it be any different this time?

My second comedy (the first one somehow disappeared off the internet, thank God). I'm kind of not used to do such a genre, so I hope its not that horrible.

Technical stuff: Nowadays, every short film I do is a completely experimental thing. This time, its the same. I took a peek at the Anime industry, and decided to test out how much of their techniques could be used in WoW machinima. Some techniques merged pretty well, others need some more planning. Well, the result is this... thing.

Also, there might be more short films (or, Erunno's Shorties) coming up in 2010. In particular, I'm looking at my first projects which have been released only for the Slovenia audience. A short comedy series called Mug of Ale.

More info regarding projects and Machinima ranting in general on: Erunno's Thoughts
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