Return of Kung-Fu World (Part One) by Nightw�lf
Class: Rogue | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Ysondre ( Vengeance )
2.51 /5 35 ? ? 200 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

After several problems of a connection and computer so I decided to rush the 1st part to Return of Kung Fu World with some sc�ne that i took in the battlefield event that it was wors due to the problems that i had .. what i would explain at first trought this video is that it is only a good time that i spend behind my computer or with my friends doing duels that i made so i dont any particular player or his way to play because it is just a game .. , for the terms of the capacity of the 1st video is

Duels vs Neozlol (Rogue 41/5/25)

a small tribut to mahiko and a Big Thanx who is may be my favorite rogue view to his habilty and his feeling and iwould say thai i'm very infuenced bye these two(Mahiko Trilogy And Kissed a Mahiko)

Duesl vs Zerka (Preist Discipline)

Duel vs Jyx (Mage Frost 20/0/51)

and to finich... if the music does'nt please u ! put it on mute if u think that i copy this music too ! which doest not please u again put in on mute and donet comment i mean comment but with a good review

AkaMoon !

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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