2v2: LOLBURST! (Mage/Warlock) by Corporatus
Class: Multiple | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Executus ( Reckoning )
4.83 /5 216 ? ? 506 MB Correct Share
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Corporatus's Arena Team 1
Corporatus Darkfox
Similar Setups
Sorry about the hassle with this video.. WCM had published it without audio and without my permission, better luck this time. /knockonwood

To clarify a few things:
- These clips were recorded during two arena weeks (start of the season and now a few weeks back) and the matches vary from 1950-2300 MMR.
- The difficulties I included are an overall difficulty estimate of the comp against you, not necessarily the match in the movie.. :)
- I have never done a serious arena video, let alone a video with informative commentary on it. I'm trying out different things to see what people like and don't like.
- I didn't want to include long fights as this video is mainly to be used for entertainment.
- This is not meant to show skill, so except mistakes.

More about the setup:
- The setup is actually a lot harder than it looks, you need a lot of micro-management and precise timing with your Crowd control and burst.
- People downrating because of bursting people down is just dumb because we are playing (duh) a double dps comp.

We're now pushing our ratings over 2,3k and if people like the video, I will shoot over a longer span of matches and pick more challenging comps/matches.

Music list & macros are at the end of the movie.

If there is anything you would like to ask, you can whisper me in-game or post a comment or send a PM. Please give constructive feedback, because I want to evolve in making movies.. :)

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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