Miniphone 0 - An average battleground for the average ret. by Megaphone
Class: Paladin | Category: PvP | Server : US - Bonechewer ( Reckoning )
3.38 /5 20 ? ? 583 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

Oh dear, finally uploaded. Incase any of you were wondering, this being raw and all, the action picks up around ~6:30 with the in-game sound on.

Welcome to my first video - Miniphone 0. Originally meant as a render test, I've decided to splash together a few edits to make it presentable and watchable for all. The theme here is to keep the footage as raw as possible, it wouldn't be an average battleground if I spliced together the best clips from multiple battlegrounds and flaunt my e-peen! We'll keep that for future PvP videos.

Song list : (do note that I didn't pick the songs, they came from a random music player. Still came out good though!)

a small part of Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
Terasbetoni - Orjatar
Disturbed - Land of Confusion
Atreyu - Slow Burn
Soilwork - Follow the Hollow
Pendulum - Granite

Feel free to comment on how awesome I am or criticize me on whatever you please, I sincerely hate authors who say to treat them nice because it's their first time or they're not trying to show skill.

Oh and, please don't turn off the music and listen to your own. That's also something I hate - it destroys the flow of the video after all!

If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!
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