Pukamon - Elemental shaman ONE by Pukamon
Class: Shaman | Category: PvP | Server : EU - Deathwing ( Bloodlust )
3.94 /5 37 ? ? 461 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Hello. So I am elemental shaman doing some PvP and fun shiz. First "serious" movie I've done and spent more than 15 minutes on editing the movie.

Deathwing EU

1: Journey Survivor - Eye of the tiger
2: Quasimoto - Come on feet
3: Prodigy - Spitfire
4: La Roux - Fascination
5: Chemical Brothers - The salmon dance
6: Carrie Underwood - Jesus take the wheel

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Views: 54,369
Daily Views: 9
Rating: 3.94 / 5
Category Rank: 4472
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