Movie Summary
Sarrik I: Beyond
� Undergeared rogue:
� 2 piece furious, 1 piece deadly and 2 piece hateful
� 3493 AP, 640 res, 21644 health
� Pve valorous Undergeared:
� 3750 AP, 199 resil and 20k health
� Ulduar geared rogues at the time ran 4k+ ap
� Old clips shot when in Hateful gear, twilight mist & webbed death.
� 1vX in BGs
� World pvp(A few clips)
� Cho'gal server: 8k horde & 1k alliance population
� The day I was in IF ganking only 28 alliance level 80s were online
Duels vs
Mouzi (Duelist frost mage)
Anarchies in series (Destro lock)
� Anarchies on WCM:
Perplexitey (Brutal Gladiator rogue)
� See in Eviscerate X
Akrios (Gladiator Rogue)
� Akrios on WCM:
Uck / Penguin / Phlow (Deadly Gladiator destro lock)
� Gladiator S4, S5 & S6
� Uck on WCM:
W�rchief (Furious & Vicious Gladiator balance druid)
� Gladiator S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S9
� 2950 rated 2v2, 3050 rated 3v3, 2380 rated 5v5 at time of recording
� Season 9 #1 3v3 on BG9, Rampage, and worldwide w/ 3050 rating; win - loss ratio 74 - 3
� Also known as Drmayonaise / Drmayoyo / Mayopompapum
� W�rchief on WCM:
� See Reckful 3 [WCM top skilled 2011] for arena matches with W�rchief, Talbadar and Reckful
� See Pyrilus 7 for arena matches with W�rchief, Akrioss and Pyrilus.
� In Cata he is 3127 rated.
Song List
� Machinae Supremacy- Dark City
� In This Moment- You Always Believed
� Yoko Kanno - Inner Universe
� E.S. Posthumus - Pompeii
� Entwine - Surrender
Dominos (action bars); Xperl (unit frames); Gladius; Afflicted
Update 10/01/2011: Reuploaded high quality download to Megaupload
Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!