HeavyMetal Berserker: Paper Zeppelin Party by HeavyMetal
Class: Multiple | Category: Other | Server : US - Deathwing ( Nightfall )
4.96 /5 270 ? ? 177 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
A story about an epic journey from Tanaris to Orgrimmar with many, many paper zeppelins along the way.

A common question seems to be, "How much gold did this shit cost you?" The answer is 4.5g or whatever the cost of a paper zep kit is. The Paper Zeppelins work like the Heavy Leather Ball item, but float through the air much slower. This allowed us to throw the same zep back and forth while out running the old images of the zep.

Songs used:
GTAIV: The Lost & Damned Theme
Richard Wagner: Flight of the Valkyrie
Led Zeppelin: Rock & Roll
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Rating: 4.96 / 5
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