MAGE/BOOMKIN 2s. with 1 world pvp clip
This video features arenas against bad, under geared, random combos, from not your server. This vid features an OP combo with OP gear putting no coordination, little effort, and clicking buttons to exploits a LOS pillar system to achieve low ratings. and it is done so in a short manner as to not waste your time. long vids suck
anywho, i came back in season 5 and teamed up with a great boomkin horde reroll. since then we've both been desperately trying to rationalize why we play with each other.
thx leythi for fraping
thx jiraya
This isn't the most skilled pvp you'll see, this isn't the most professional editing either. But it's a nice blend of the two, and most importantly its a step up from my last videos in all areas, minus the boring arena footage. but what are you gonna do? WoW demographic doesn't include pvpers