Movie Summary
Hey everyone, I've been gone for quite a while. I actually thought I'd quit but some fans made me come back.
This trailer contains some ancient footage (right before I took that 1 month or so break).
In this short trailer I wanted to showcase how I can usually predict the enemy's spells and counter them before they even use them. All the "Pre-skills" you're going to see in the movie show that I knew what was coming and I countered it before the enemy had the chance to do anything, thus the name "Pre-skill".
I do not intend to make any arena videos, since it's too imbalanced at the moment. I will also not make any more duel videos as those have never been balanced. I will try to focus more on pvp tricks, reaction, 1vX and anything else that could make you go omg.
All of my movies are made for entertainment purpouses and to show what an expert hunter can do with the right tools and timing.
If this preview doesn't give you chills, I'm sorry I wasted your time.
Almost forgot to mention, I'm looking for a decent 2v2 partner / 3v3 team at the moment, so if anyone needs a hunter scrub, drop me a mail/whisper to Ohr @ Stormreaver-EU.
If you don't have the time to grind for PvP gear or rating, Blazing Boost can help!