Hello, you might know me better in WCM as Jacktrapper from my hunter movies, i have rolled enha shaman this year and this is first movie with it:P
I dont know when the filefront one will be streamable but try to download it until that atleast:P
It consists 2v2 games around 2400-2600 rating, our highest rating being 2594, setup enhancement shaman retribution paladin.
This "is" 2 melee team, so if word cleave makes you go emo you better not watch it, but we dont have mortal strike and only one reliable stun, so we mostly have to switch targets around to get kill, expecially with druids.
I would say strenght of this setup is 2 very durable dps who can both heal very well , we totally own any other 2 dps teams and also have easy time vs dk/healer , hardest team would be priest rogue or priest ret cause mass dispel and dispel by himself can be really pain for our team cause of all magic buffs.
About the party chat use, that some people whine we DO use vent but only i have working mic atm, geez:)