In Memory - Retribution Final Trailer by Necka
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Illidan ( Cataclysme )
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/!\ Update 07/27/09 /!\ A Call To Arms (my Blizzcon entry for the contest) public release : Ausgust the 22th, 2009 -- In-Memory : Retribution public release : August the 30th, 2009 ! the dates will never change again now. A Call to arms is a cropped scene taken from In-Memory Retribution turned into a short-movie.


/!\ Update 06/29/09 /!\ => The movie is delayed to the end of July because of many hard special effects on 2 scenes (remember i'm just an amateur)
The movie will be out in middle/end of July


JOIN NECKA'S FACEBOOK PAGE : (for all updates on the project)


Director : Necka
Screenplay Writer : Kirochi
Guild In Memory :
Production :

Voices Actors :
-The Lich King/Yozshura : Caruu
-Troll rogue/Thrall/Radeus : Jesse Cox
-Dranei of Millenium/Sheepsheep : Christopher M. Grant
-Fazer : Henrik Ebert
-Ionae : Moo Money
-Human Millenium human : Matt Greenburg
-Female Millenium human : Genna A. Bain

Many sounds effects by Sound Wizardry :

Today, I�m very proud to release the final trailer for my new trilogy�s first episode, In Memory : Retribution.

This trilogy project was given birth in December 2008, when I asked Kirochi to follow me again and write the screenplay for my new video trilogy.

After two years without any film release, I badly needed to start a little fuss around myself to show I was back.

However I didn�t know how to only with images that dated back to two years before.

This is why we created an "artificial" teaser, in which there was only one new scene, which was shot to set my coming back, in the machinima sphere and in the movie�s story. Then we filled the rest of the teaser with some images that didn�t remotely have anything to do with the screenplay, because there was no
screenplay at the time we released it.

It immediately got a huge response of the community, and gave Kirochi enough motivation to write a blockbuster. The only restriction on the screenplay was to integrate all scenes shot in 2007 in it, and this meant building a good one around those scenes.

Then we only showed potential English-speaking voice actors to convince them to work with us. The buzz around it was enough.

Now the movie is 70% over (still needs some post-production & cutting), and me and my team are on the home stretch.

I dearly deeply hope you�ll love watching this trailer as much as I loved doing it.

R�alisateur : Necka
Sc�nariste : Kirochi
Guilde In Memory :
Production :

Acteurs voix :
-The Lich King/Yozshura : Caruu
-Troll rogue/Thrall/Radeus : Jesse Cox
-Dranei of Millenium/Sheepsheep : Christopher M. Grant
-Ionae : Moo Money
-Human Millenium human : Matt Hofeling
-Female Millenium human : Genna A. Bain

Plusieurs effets sonores en provenance de :

Je suis tr�s fier de vous d�voiler aujourd�hui la bande annonce finale du premier �pisode de la trilogie In-Memory : Retribution.

Ce projet de trilogie est n� en D�cembre 2008, lorsque j�ai contact� Kirochi pour me suivre et �crire le sc�nario d�une nouvelle s�rie de vid�o.

2 ans sans faire de moviemaking, il fallait que je fasse un buzz pour refaire parler de moi� Mais comment le faire avec uniquement des images tourn�es 2 ans plus t�t ?

Nous avons donc cr�� un teaser � virtuel �, en ne concevant qu�une unique sc�ne pour annoncer mon retour et m�inclure dans le background du sc�nario, puis nous avons encha�n� des images n�ayant strictement aucun rapport avec le sc�nario, tout simplement parce qu�il n�y avait aucun sc�nario d��crit lorsque tout le monde a vu le teaser en F�vrier 2009.

Ce dernier a fait l�effet d�une bombe dans la communaut�, et m�a permis de motiver Kirochi pour �crire un sc�nario en b�ton arm�, avec pour seule restriction d�inclure toutes les sc�nes film�es en 2007, ainsi que de transformer les contextes pour les adapter au nouveau sc�nario.

Ensuite, nous n�avons eu aucun mal � convaincre les doubleurs anglophones de rejoindre le projet, toujours gr�ce au buzz du teaser.

Maintenant le film est termin� (montage/postproduction) � 70%, et la derni�re ligne droite s�amorce pour ma petite �quipe et moi.

J�esp�re du plus profond du c�ur que vous aurez autant de plaisir � regarder cette bande annonce que j�en ai eu � la faire.
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