Malosa by Ellesha
Class: Warlock | Category: PvP | Server : US - Windrunner ( Reckoning )
4.69 /5 20 ? ? 332 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Inspired by the greatest Warlock PVP'ers of our time, I set out to make my own video that shows me having fun with my friends within Arathi Basin. This video is not to show off my gear (since it is nothing special) or my massive damage (because I do not have any), rather it just focuses on having fun while learning how to use Sony Vegas 6 for future endeavors. Enjoy.

First segment:
A lone Warlock tries to re-capture "The Lumber Mill" on her own - often times having to clash with 2 or more opponents.

Second Segment:
Warlock fights outside the gates of the great Iron Forge in order to see if it is possible to win without having to use Seduce or Shadowburn.

Third Segment:
Return to Arathi Basin. This time she has backups and is not afraid to jump into the fray even when the odds are against her. .

Improve your Arena skills, get Gladiator in 3v3 or Legend in Solo Shuffle with Blazing Boost!
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4.69 /5

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Zygor Guides

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Rating: 4.69 / 5
Category Rank: 5462
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