In For A Penny: Part Two "The Thorne of Rose Street" by Selserene
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : US - Shadow Council ( Reckoning )
4.98 /5 155 ? ? 228 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary

�In For A Penny- Part 2 �The Thorne of Rose Street�� picks up where IFAP: Part 1 leaves off. It is the second of a multi-part series which follows Thayle � a man falsely convicted and now a fugitive from the law � as he tries to uncover the truth about the crime, himself and the people around him.

Previous movies in this Series:

[In For A Penny: Part 1]
[In For A Penny: Prologue]

Some of my other movies:

[Winter Weapons]
[He Will Redeem Us]
[To The Fairest]

Cast List:
Thayle : Cranius
Thorne : Glenn X. Govan, aka Caruu
Nora/Emerson : Melissa D. Johnson, aka Mippa
Glimmy : Frank Minnie
Leda : Selserene
Guard 1 : Justin Miller
Guard 2 : Gunderic
Higgs : Troy Fried
Drach : Richard Searcey
Reporter 1 : Miranda Nelson, aka Mirielle
Reporter 2 : Andrew Ash
Reporter 3 : It\'s a secret to everybody! (Don\'t kill me.)

Music in Part 2:
NIN - 05 Ghosts I
NIN - Lights in the Sky
Sion - After Hours
Tryad - Breathe
Maya Filipic - Prelude in C# minor
Amanyth - I was there
Roger Subirana - Silent Tears

All the music used in Part 2 are Creative Commons licenses. Please support CC artists, they make things like this possible!

I\'ll try to answer any questions you may have, post them if you like.
[FAQ available here.]

I hope you enjoy!!

I added a second download link to Filefront for those of you messaging me with how much you hate megaupload. XD

#machinima@quakenet : Fear the lurkers.
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