Unbroken - the trailer by Johan V�gstedt
Class: Unknown | Category: Machinima | Server : EU - Laughing Skull ( Conviction )
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Movie Summary

Based upon the original tale written Blizzard story writer Micky Neilson, Firebolt Productions is proud to announce the film adaptation version of UNBROKEN.
Rewritten for machinima by Johan V�gstedt and Matt Greenberg, Unbroken promises to impress the viewing audiance with a story that is full of robust charachters and steeped in deep, rich Warcraft Lore.

Set during the time of the great cataclyms that ripped the planet Draenor apart, UNBROKEN follows Nobundo, a Krokul(Broken) Draenei shaman, the first of his kind, as we relive his memories that surround the fall of Shattrath City to the then-unknown menace of the Horde. Shattered and robbed of his faith in the Light, his eventual spiritual journey leads him on a quest of discovery that not only helps him find peace within his soul, but also the promise of a greater destiny for the Draenei people.

UNBROKEN: The Fall of Shattrath, is the first segment of the original Unbroken storyline to be produced in machinima format. Over the rest of the year, the remaining segments of the story will be released and you will live as Nobundo had lived. Firebolt Pro hopes that you will follow us as we continue to release the UNBROKEN machinima for viewers to enjoy. Featuring sound design by Glenn X. Govan, UNBROKEN should be a treat for the eyes as well as the ears.

We have also gathered a fantastic group of well known Warcraft machinima voice actors. Please look forward to the performances of Glenn X. Govan as Farseer Nobundo, Matt Greenberg as Akama, Candice Holly as Korin, in addition to Mike Dunahee of TOTP3 fame, the Hackleman brothers from MYNDFLAME, Jeff Gorndt from Wegame.com, Selserene as the elemental spirit of Water, and many more.

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