World of Paladincraft 5 Opening Trailer by Grievous
Class: Priest | Category: PvP | Server : US - Dragonmaw ( Reckoning )
3.89 /5 27 ? ? 24 MB Correct Share
Movie Summary
Grievous "the 12 second" Christ is back in the new Paladincraft.

After losing his memory due to being hit for 12k by a Mage, Grievous assumes the roll of a Priest.

Now, with the aid of Zorgat the Messiah, Reflex the #1 Rogue in WoW Korea, Bangin the Overslayer, and Necroma the Brutilator, he must regain his memories and become once again the Lord of all Paladins.

The full-length movie is schedule to come out in March and will feature a mini-movie by Reflex, #1 Rogue in WoW Korea.

Enjoy this opening trailer!.

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Category Rank: 3925
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